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Plaid shirt and massive necklace

Danas s vama dijelim jedan udoban ali chic styling. Nosim kariranu košulju koju sam uparila sa uskim trapericama, gležnjačama i crnom torbom koja se nosi preko ramena. Za veći dojam stavila sam masivnu statement ogrlicu sa site-a Dresslink. Ogrlica je predivna i planiram je nositi još mnogo puta. Možete je naručiti za sitne novce, a stvarno se isplati imati takav statement komad.

Kombinacije s kariranim košuljama su beskonačne, sve je dopušteno. Ja je volim nositi nekoliko broja veću, te kombinirati ispod veste, a možete je i nositi na običnu bijelu majicu. Poigrajte se, odaberite što vam pristaje i odličan styling je zagarantiran.

Today I share with you a comfortable but chic styling. I'm wearing a plaid shirt that I paired with tight jeans, ankle boots and a black bag that is worn over the shoulder. For bigger impression I placed a massive statement necklace from Dresslink site. The necklace is beautiful and I plan to wear it many times more. You can order it for small money, but is really worth it to have such a statement piece.

Combinations with plaid shirts are endless, everything is permitted. I love to wear it in a slightly higher number, combine it below sweater, and you can wear it on a plain white t-shirt. Play around, choose what suits you and great styling is guaranteed.

Coat: Zara
Shirt: Second hand shop
Jeans: Kik
Boots: Pull&Bear
Bag: Persunmall

2 komentara

  1. Odlican outfit! Ogrlica je predivna,a i torba mi se bas svidja :)


  2. Ova ogrlica je sad baš baš popularna. Sviđa mi se :)
    Košulja ti je divna i lepo ti stoji :)
