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Bipa Fashion.hr: Day 1

Među mnoštvom zaljubljenika u modu, prisustvovala sam ovogodišnjem Bipa Fashion.hr-u. Malo je reći da su me oduševile revije koje sam pogledala, cijela atmosfera bila je čarobna. Prvu večer otvorila je neponovljiva Lei Lou, by Aleksandra Dojčinović. Njenom kolekcijom za proljeće/ljeto dominirala je čipka, zanimljive kragne i popularne mašne. Osim pastelnih boja, mogli smo vidjeti komade u floralnim motivima i color block kombinacije u žuto-zelenoj i zeleno-bordo boji.

Photo: Fashion.hr

Among the multitude of fashion lovers, I attended this year's Bipa Fashion.hr event. It's needless to say that I was delighted with the shows I watched, the whole atmosphere was magical. The first evening was opened by the inimitable Lei Lou by Aleksandra Dojčinović. Her collection for spring / summer dominated with lace, interesting collars and popular bows. Besides the pastel colors, we could see the pieces in floral motifs and color block combinations in yellow-green and green-purple color.

My styling:
Photo: Fashion.hr

1 komentar

  1. Love your outfit for Fashion Week - really it's sp nice!!!

