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Palm tree print

I wanted to dedicate this post to the event helded in Zagreb, known as the "Screen on the Green" for which I got ready tonight. Unfortunately it was not meant to be, the rain fell, and the event is postponed. The only good thing resulted from that are these pictures, my first post that shows my style. I hope you will like it :) 
I'm wearing a beautiful dress I got a few weeks ago. Material is perfect and it fits very nice. With her ​​I combined sneakers, pink H & M purse and white sunglasses that I got at Zermatt Unplugged festival which I helded in April.

Ovaj post sam htjela posvetiti događaju koji se održava u Zagrebu, znan kao "Screen on the green" za koji sam se spremila večeras. Nažalost nije mi bio suđen, pala je kiša, i događaj je odgođen. Jedino dobro proizašlo od toga su ove slike, moj prvi post koji prikazuje moj stil. Nadam se da će vam se svidjeti :)
Nosim predivnu haljinicu koju sam dobila prije nekoliko tjedana. Savršenog je materijala i jako lijepo stoji. Uz nju sam iskombinirala tenisice, rozu H&M torbicu i bijele naočale koje sam dobila na Zermatt Unplugged festivalu na kojem sam bila u travnju.

Sneakers: Filla
Sunglasses: Zermatt Unplugged
Tights: Calzedonia
Watch: MK

1 komentar

  1. What a cute dress! I love love that sweet print! Your purse is perfect with the outfit!

