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Gold touch

U nedostatku ideje za novu kombinaciju, slučajno sam naišla na ovu majicu u ormaru koju sam prije nekoliko mjeseci naručila sa Choies-a. Što obući? Vječno pitanje kod nas cura. Tada se našla kao savršeno rješenje uz moje nove gležnjače iz Zare. Još jedan ulov sa sniženja, posljednji, a ujedno i najbolji. ;)

Kombinacija uz traperice je ležerna, vezeni zlatni uzorak na majici daje chic notu. Mirror sunčane naočale također, postale su modni dodatak bez kojih je topla sezona nezamisliva, barem što se mene tiče. Kako vam se sviđa? Želim vam svima ugodan ostatak tjedna, do sljedećeg posta :*

In the lack of idea for the new combination, I found accidentally this sweater in my closet which I ordered from Choies few months ago. What to wear? Eternal question with girls. Then was found as a perfect solution paired with my new ankle boots from Zara. Another catch from sale, last, and the best in the same time. ;)

Combination along the jeans is quite casual, gold embroidered pattern on the sweater gives chic accent. Mirror sunglasses also, they became fashion accessory without which warm season is unthinkable, at least for me. How do you like it? I wish you all good rest of the week, till the next post :*

Coat: Zara
Jeans: Terranova
Ankle boots: Zara
Bag: Blackfive

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