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Cro A Porter Day 1

Prva večer Cro A Porter-a bila je rezervirana za mlade i neke nove dizajnere koji polako, ali sigurno pronalaze svoje mjesto na domaćoj modnoj sceni. 
U karting areni na Zagrebačkom velesajmu nastupilo je čak 8 dizajnera:  brand CHIPKA, Katarina Džale, Manuela Lovrenčić, Fashion disorder i Lukabu, Mandval, Anthony Avangard, Jamoi i an-estetic.

Za vas sam izdvojila neke meni osobno najdraže kreacije, a ostatak pogledajte na službenoj stranici Cro A Porter-a.


The first night of Cro a Porter was reserved for young and some new designers who slowly but surely are finding their own place on the local fashion scene.
In karting arena at the Zagreb Velesajam even 8 designers perfomed: brand Chipka, Katarina Džale, Manuela Lovrenčić, Fashion disorder and Lukabu, Mandval, Anthony Avangard, Jamoi and an-estetic.

For you, I set aside some of my favorite creations, and the rest look on the official website of Cro A Porter.

Katarina Džale

Manuela Lovrenčić

Marina Jerant (Lukabu)


Anthony Avangard

My outfit

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