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Pula sunset

Svoj sam 25. rođendan proslavila u Puli koju sam prvi puta posjetila ovog ljeta. Malo je reći da me je Pula oduševila, doslovno sam se zaljubila u ovaj grad! Sve odiše poviješću, a pogotovo najpoznatija antičko rimska građevina, amfiteatar popularno zvan Arena. Zanimljivo je da je Arena u Puli šesta po veličini u svijetu. 

Uz takav divan pogled dočekali smo zalazak sunca i napravili ove fotografije. Nosila sam cvjetnu haljinu koju sam naručila na Romwe-u, wedgesice i rozu H&M torbicu. Kako vam se sviđa?

Još uvijek mi je teško vjerovati da je ljeto gotovo i vratiti se rutini i poslu, no veselim se jesenskim kombinacijama. Pratimo se <3

I celebrated my 25. birthday in Pila which I visited first time this summer. It's little to say that I was thrilled, I literally fall in love with this city! Everything exudes history, especially the most famous antique roman structure, amphitheater popularly called Arena. It's interesting that Arena in Pula is the sixth largest in the world.

Whis this wonderful view we greeted the sunset and we made this photos. I worn floral dress which I ordered on Romwe, wedges and pink H&M bag. How do you like it?

It's still hard to believe that summer is over and get back to routines and work for me, but I'm looking forward to fall combinations. Keep following me <3

Dress: Romwe
Wedges: Random store
Bag: H&M

1 komentar

  1. super si izgledala :D

