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Najbolje vam čuvam za kraj, a Motovun to definitivno je. 

Najpoznatiji srednjovjekovni gradić središnje Istre nikako nismo mogli zaobići. Kada mu prilazite djeluje kao iz bajke. Na vrhu brežuljka nalazi se stara gradska jezgra te zidine s kojih se pruža jedinstven pogled na dolinu rijeke Mirne i vinograde.

Ne čudi da je ovo zeleno prostranstvo postalo simbol istarske unutrašnjosti.

 Prošetajte sa mnom živopisnim kamenim ulicama i skrivenim prolazima Motovuna i oduševite se.

Hi guys!

I'm saving the best for the last, and Motovun definitely is the best.

The most famous medieval town of Central Istria we could not just pass by. When approaching it, it looks like a fairy tale. At the top of the hill there is an old city core and walls with a unique view of the valley of the river Mirna and the vineyards.

No wonder this green vastness has become a symbol of the Istrian interior.

  Walk with me on the picturesque stone streets and hidden trails of Motovun and be delighted with it.

Instagram @djevojkaodmode

Location: Motovun, Istria

Wearing: Romper / Romwe, Sandals / Zara

2 komentara

  1. Bas mi je zao sto nisam bila ovdje dok sam bila u Istri, ovo je stvarno predivno! Ne znam sto bih rekla!


  2. Thos plaqce so amazing. Perfect for a relaxing holidays!

