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Ove godine sam prvi put bila u Varaždinu i to povodom Špancirfesta znanog kao ulični festival dobrih emocija. Festival u trajanju od deset dana nudi vrlo bogat program s raznim radionicama, koncertima, izložbama i nastupima.

Bilo je jako puno ljudi a vani sparno i vruće, ali uspjela sam napraviti nekoliko fotki kod Starog grada. Nosim novu crvenu haljinu s golim ramenima i volanima na rubovima. Kupila sam je na moru i od tad mi je najdraža ljetna haljina!

Posjetili smo poznatu Usku ulicu koja za vrijeme festivala postaje atelje na otvorenom i mjesto gdje brojni umjetnici i kreativci izlažu svoje radove pred mnoštvom publike. Uska ulica je svakako najšarmantniji dio festivala.

Sljedeće mjesto gdje smo se zadržali bio je Vinski grad koji se nalazi u dvorištu palače Sermage. Predivan ambijent dobre vibre idealan je za druženje, razgovor, degustaciju vina i sireva. Jummy!

This year I was in Varaždin for the first time for the occasion of Špancirfest known as a street festival of good emotions. The ten-day festival offers a very rich program with various workshops, concerts, exhibitions and performances.

There were a lot of people out there and it was steamy and hot weather but I managed to make a few photos at the Old Town. I wear a new red dress with cold shoulders and ruffles on the edges. I bought it at seaside and since then is my favorite summer dress!

We visited the famous Narrow Street, which becomes an open-air studio and a place where numerous artists and creators are exhibiting their works in front of a large audience during the festival. The Narrow street is certainly the most fascinating part of the festival.

The next place where we stayed was the Wine Town, located in the courtyard of the Sermage Palace. The beautiful ambiance with a good vibe is ideal for socializing, talking, tasting wine and cheeses. Jummy!

Dress: no name
Sandals: Marx
Bag: Lovely bags

Location: Varaždin, Špancirfest

1 komentar

  1. Super izgledaš i ta haljina je fantastična :D

