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Fall trends with Zaful

Jeste li od onih koji slijepo prate modne trendove ili se uopće s tim ne zamarate? Ja sam od onih koji prate, ali neću nositi sve što je trenutno "in" već samo ono što mi se zaista sviđa. 

Puno stvari koje su se nekad nosile sada se ponovno vraćaju u modu.
Jedan od tih trendova definitivno je karirani uzorak koji su nosile i naše bake. Baš mi je moja baka pohvalila moj novi karirani sako i rekla da ona ima vrlo sličnu jaknu koju je nosila u mladim danima. Vjerovatno se i vama događaju iste stvari.

Što se tiče ovih novih "čarapa" čizama tu sam primjetila podijeljena mišljenja. Još uvijek nisam sigurna na koju bi stranu stala. 

Ispod sam izdvojila po jedan odjevni predmet sa Zafula, vrlo trendi komade za koje sam sigurna da će vam se svidjeti!

Koji je vaš omiljeni modni trend ove jeseni?

Are you from those who blindly follow fashion trends or you don't bother for it at all? I'm one of those who follow trends, but I'm not going to wear everything that is currently "in" but just what I really like.

Lot of the things that once our parents wore is now coming to fashion. One of these trends is definitely the checked pattern that was worn by our grandmothers. My grandmother just commend my new checked blazer and said that she has a very similar jacket she wore in her younger days. It is also likely that the same things are happening to you too.

As for these new "sock-style" boots, I have noticed a split of opinions. I'm still not sure where to stand.

Below I set out a garment items from Zaful, very trendy pieces that I'm sure you will like!

What is your favorite fashion trend this fall?

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