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Monday funday

Jučer je bilo zabavno i zato je ovaj naslov posta posve prikladan. Moram priznati da sam vrlo zadovoljna kako su slike ispale i ovo mi je jedna od najdražih kombinacija do sada. Temperatura je bila dosta visoka za početak listopada i to me je posebno razveselilo jer sam mogla nositi svoje najdraže kožne hlačice. Kombinirala sam ih sa novim stvarčicama koje su mi stigle iz Blackfive-a. Monday sweatshirt i karirana košulja kao savršen modni dodatak. Već sam spomenula da obožavam majice s natpisima ili bilo kakvim printom. Karirana košulja oko struka priziva cool i moderan prizvuk i taj trend je apsolutni hit! Mislim da je karirana košulja bezvremenski komad koji nikad ne izlazi iz mode i svaka cura bi ju trebala imati. Podsjeća na zimu, udobnost i toplinu, posebno tartan uzorak. Slažete se da podiže styling?

Yesterday was fun and that is why this post title is quite appropriate. I must admit that I am very pleased with how the pictures turned out and this is one of my favorite combinations so far. The temperature was quite high for the beginning of October and it made me particularly happy because I was able to wear my favorite leather shorts. I paired them with new items that were sent to me from Blackfive. Monday sweatshirt and plaid shirt as the perfect fashion accessory. I already mentioned that I love t-shirts with text on it or any print. Plaid shirt around your waist evokes a cool and modern overtones and this trend is an absolute hit! I think that plaid shirt is a timeless piece that never goes out of fashion and every girl should have it. Reminds of winter, comfort and warmth, especially tartan pattern. You agree that raises styling?

Bag: Persunmall

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Broj komentara: 6

  1. I've recently discovered your blog and I really like it! I'm following you now
    Hope you'll like mine too!

  2. predivna mi je košulja i hlačice :)


  3. super outfit, bas mi se svidja! Kosulja pogotovo i sama sam luda za njima! :D


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    xx, YoungetBeautiful
