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Sequined cardigan

Dugo sam čekala s objavom novog posta u nadi da ću uspjeti napraviti još koju fotku, no nije bilo moguće. Tog dana počela je padati nesretna kiša i spriječila detaljnije poglede na ovaj outfit. No ono što sam vam htjela pokazati jasno se vidi, a to je ovaj divni Romweov kardigan. Tako mekan, topao, jednostavno ljubav na prvi pogled! S njim sam kombinirala električno plavu vestu, kratke kožne hlačice i crne lakirane cipele. Torba se nažalost ne vidi dobro, no bit će je u nekom od sljedećih postova.

 I waited quite long the publication of a new post in the hope that I will be able to make a few more pictures, but it wasn't possible. That day unfortunally rain began to fall and prevented more detailed looks of this outfit. But what I wanted to show you, is clearly visible, and that is this wonderful cardigan from Romwe. So soft, warm, simply love at first sight! With him, I paired the electric blue sweater, leather shorts and black patent shoes. The bag is unfortunately not visible well, but it will be in one of the following posts.

Shoes: Deichmann
Bag: Dorothy Perkins

4 komentara

  1. sviđa mi se cardigan :)


  2. Wonderful look...I like your blog.^^
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    Lovely greets Nessa
