Pokreće Blogger.

Avenue Montaigne Paris

Iza mene je još jedan naporan radni tjedan. Kako cijeli dan provodim u uredu, kad dođem doma ne ostaje mi baš puno vremena za blog. Imam dosta postova u pripremi za vas i ovo je jedan od njih. Mislim da će vikend zato biti puno produktivniji.

Radi se o jednoj ležernoj dnevnoj kombinaciji, koja ujedno može biti i poslovna zbog bijelog elegantnog prsluka koji nosim. Kombinirala sam je sa kratkom pamučnom majicom sa zanimljivim natpisom. Volim majice s natpisima, super su za kombiniranje na razne stvari. Konkretno ova dolazi sa stranice dressin i možete je naručiti za sitne novce. Svakako proučite i ostatak njihove ponude (link).

Another busy week is behind me. How I spend all day at the office, when I get home I don't have much time left to work on blog. I have a lot of posts in preparation for you, and this is one of them. So I think that weekend will be much more productive.

It is one casual daily combination, which may also be a business because of the elegant white vest that I wear. I combine it with a short cotton T-shirt with an interesting inscription. I love T-shirts with inscriptions, they're great to combine with a variety of things. In particular, this comes from dressin and can be ordered for petty money. Be sure to check the rest of their offer (link).

Jeans: Terranova
Sandals: CCC shoes
Bag: Blackfive

3 komentara

  1. Amazing casual look. Love your white vest!


  2. Super outfit!!! Mnogo mi se dopada beli prsluk!!!

