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Checked + baby blue

Crni petak je iza nas, nadam se da ste iskoristili popuste i kupili si ponešto. Trgovine su kao i uvijek bile prepune, možda mi je zato online shopping postao drag. Nećete vjerovati, ja sam si kupila svega par stvari. Postala sam štedljiva, uvijek me peče savjest kad trošim, ne znam jel to dolazi s godinama ili je to samo kod mene. Recite mi da nisam jedina. 

Danas s vama dijelim jedan smart casual outfit.

Moram vam reći da sam pronašla novu omiljenu košulju! Shein me i ovaj put oduševio. Materijal je jako kvalitetan, a košulja je moderna, udobna i drugačija, što najviše volim. Rukavi su skroz cool, a baby plava boja je predivna.

Odlično se uklopila s kariranim sakoićem koji često nosim na posao. Kožne hlače su također Shein, ali od prošle godine. Koji je vama najbolji komad od cijelog outfita?

Black Friday is behind us, I hope you used sales and bought something you like. Shops were as always crowded, perhaps that's why I like online shopping better. You will not believe, I've bought myself a few things only. I've became thrifty, always knocking my conscience when I spend, I don't know whether it's coming with years or it's just with me. Tell me I'm not the only one.

Today I have a smart casual outfit to share. I have to tell you that I've found a new favorite blouse! Shein thrilled me also this time. The material is very high quality, and the shirt is modern, comfortable and different, which I like the most. The sleeves are cool, and the baby blue is beautiful.

It fits perfectly with a checked blazer that I often wear to work. Leather pants are also from Shein, but since last year. Which is, by your opinion, the best piece of this outfit?

Blazer: Bershka
Pants: Shein
Watch: Cluse

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